How a Stroke Changed My Life

Just a few years ago, I was a 48-year-old sales manager and an owner of a large, successful manufacturing company. I was always in great shape, and when my partners and I decided to obtain disability insurance, I was rated the #1 best for my health at the time. But 3 weeks later, a “time bomb” –that doctors had completely missed–would go off inside my body.
It happened like this: one day as I was preparing to go on a business trip I began to feel unusually tired. I needed to be on my “A” game for this trip, so I decided to postpone it for a day and stay in bed to catch up on my rest. The next morning, my wife Babette checked on me before leaving for work and she thought I seemed OK. After she left, I got up, showered, and started to get ready for the trip. My nephew called me a little later, and as we were talking he said, “What’s wrong Uncle Keith?” I remember telling him that I didn’t know what he was talking about, and he said to “hang tight” and wait for him to get back to me. Then, my business partner called, and we had a similar exchange. The next thing I remember, my wife came home from work and took me to the hospital—where we found out that I’d had a stroke!
In the next few days, I went to three different hospitals and had numerous tests. My stroke was ischemic–due to a blocked blood vessel in my brain. But since I had no known risk factors and was in excellent health, the cause of the blockage was mysterious. During all the testing and examinations, doctors discovered that I had two AVMs (arteriovenous malformations) in my lungs. AVMs are malformed blood vessels, where capillaries are missing. The capillaries normally filter clots and other debris from the blood—but an AVM can allow a clot to pass through and travel back to the brain. It’s not something most people would think of, but the stroke in my brain was caused by AVMs in my lungs. My neurologist consulted Dr. Mark Chestnut, from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), and they diagnosed me with a rare genetic disorder called HHT, or Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. I was sent to OHSU to treat the AVMs in my lungs with a procedure called embolization. I learned that because HHT is genetic, there was a 50% chance that my children could have it—and that one of my parents must have it, too. And yet no one in my family ever knew about HHT!
HHT can cause AVMs (or telangiectasias which are small AVMs) in the lungs, in the brain, liver, nose, and GI tract, and on the skin where they appear as red spots. The most common symptom of HHT is nosebleeds, but AVMs in the lungs or brain, which usually cause no symptoms, can suddenly cause an ischemic stroke, a brain abscess, or bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) or lungs. Liver AVMs can lead to heart failure and bleeding in the GI tract can cause severe anemia and the need for blood transfusions. Only about 10-15% of people with HHT know they have it. But when HHT is properly diagnosed and treated, most of these life-threatening and disabling events can be prevented.
Although I was the first person in our family to be diagnosed with HHT, many more followed. Like many people with HHT, most of us were diagnosed as adults, years after our first symptoms (the average time from first symptom to diagnosis is about 30 years in HHT—which is why awareness is so important!)
After my stroke, my mother was determined to let everyone in our family know about HHT. She was diagnosed at age 69. My uncle was tested and diagnosed at age 68—and once it was discovered that he had HHT, on down the line it went—to my cousin and my cousin’s little girl Natalie. Before we knew about HHT, Natalie had many nose bleeds–but everyone thought that was normal. When they finally diagnosed her with HHT, doctors discovered bleeding in her brain from an AVM. She went through a major surgery at age 4 which saved her life.
My daughter Chantel has HHT, too. She suffers severe nose bleeds each week. She had a high-risk pregnancy during which she had to have AVM’s in her lungs embolized to prevent a stroke or lung hemorrhage while giving birth. She now has two children– one has HHT, while the other does not.
My stroke recovery progressed slowly and steadily, but not without some bumps along the way. Babette had to stay home with me for a few months after the stroke, and it took quite a while before I went back to work on a part-time basis. But I found I was struggling to remember things about the business. I needed to use my disability insurance income because I was not able to work full time. So, after much effort and hard work to get back in the game, I was forced to leave the company I had worked so hard to grow. Fear and depression began to take a toll on my attitude, which had always been positive and upbeat, no matter what problems we had encountered. I began to think negative thoughts…What good am I now? How will I support my family? Will I get any better? How long will it take? On and on…I wondered if moving on with my life was going to be worth it.
But one morning, with tears flowing down my face, my focus shifted, and a new thought came to me: I can overcome this! I can make a difference in the world! I can still be a husband, father, grandfather, and friend. I can help make a positive impact on others and make a difference. That’s when I got the idea to work with others who’d had a stroke and/or HHT.
First, I started a self-help program for other stroke survivors. I interviewed other people who’d had a stroke, and after quite a bit of time, determination, and do-overs, I understood that what they truly wanted was help in re-building their self-confidence. I created a web-based program, Strength after Stroke (, and developed the BASE (Belief, Attitude, Strength, and Energy) curriculum. My mission is: “Helping those that want to regain their confidence, are willing to work toward understanding and overcoming their personal challenges and feel the need to improve their own lives.”
Second, I became involved in raising awareness about HHT. At a recent HHT Patient and Family Conference, I shared my story of how a stroke lead to my HHT diagnosis. I want to share my story to inspire others with HHT to get proper screening tests and treatment, to tell their families about HHT, and to prevent strokes and other complications of HHT.
Maybe the cause of your stroke was never found. Do you have frequent nosebleeds, red spots on your skin, or anemia? Has someone in your family had these symptoms—or an unexplained brain abscess or lung hemorrhage? Are there multiple people in your family who have nosebleeds? If any of these are true, you may have HHT. Finding out if you do—and getting proper treatment—could be the key to preventing another stroke.
For more information about HHT, visit
Keith Taylor is a business man, stroke survivor and creator of the Belief, Attitude, Strength and Energy (BASE) self-help curriculum. To learn more visit his website
Special thanks to Sara Palmer, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, Cure HHT Board member, HHT patient and author of Living with HHT: Understanding and Managing Your Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia for her help with this blog.
What a great and informative blog Keith. I’m glad you are a survivor and want to help others as well. This blog is filled with useful information.
Wonderful testimony. May God continue to use you as an example and inspiration to all.
Am 45 I had just turned 45 when I had 2 massive strokes a serious brain bleed I think god that he brung me threw it
Thank you Keith. I was diagnosed today with HHT. I am a 46 year old mother of 4 and trying to understand what I have, how that will affect me and how to guide my children as they are tested and hear if they also have HHT. I am inspired by your story.
Kieth, you know my story, I too had nose bleeds as a kid on a pretty regular schedule, like everyone one else thought it was because of close blood vains in my nose.
Fast forward to now an adult. I had nose coterized multiple times by an older ent. He retired and a young lady who bought his practice had seen me for the first. Time to have my nose coterized once again. The first time she used her light and looked into my nose she suggested that I go see A Dr. Chestnut because she said that it looked like I had HHT. HH what? My made my appointment and sure enough I tested positive. Both my daughters have been tested and Lauren my youngest 35 tested positive with none of the symptoms. She has had both of her kids tested and neither one of them had tested positive. Praise the Lord!
Lauren and I have both went through all of testing with nothing on are heart,lungs or brain. Another praise. I have had two trips to the emergency room because of b having bloody nose that I could not stop.
Both ended up having my nose laser coterized. It’s been at least give years since the last and I hope it will be the last.
The reason I have commented as much as I have is to make people aware and stay on top of it.
God bless,
Rod name is Sandra Tomko, live in NY..Flight. attendant, helping with 95yr old sick mom, much pressure family issues..this past week especially..Father in law paseed suddenly Jan28…I woke up this morning nose leed..and Ihave felt very tired for 2weeks…When I googled nosebleeds..your HHT article popped up..going to Dr…Im 65 HBP/Cholest….glad I read your blog email:[email protected]
Thank you for this article. My husband has frequent nose bleeds and after the last one he started having symptoms similar to a mini stroke (memory loss, confusion and other behavior changes). This information will help me point doctors in possibly the right direction. Thank you!
Very much appreciated for telling your story. You helped a lot of people.
I just took son into hospital with stroke , AVM symptoms.
(I only know about AVM bc my sister had one in her brain stem when only 40 y.o. She had a 97% chance of death. She survived and only has a a bad leg left over. She is on meds, as well. Tough rehab; but tough girl. )
I did think AVM was rare and hereditary. I had NO CLUE it was called HHT and was a recognized condition.
Your article addresses a pregnancy / lung emboli, also which makes me think of my cousin who had a stroke/lung embolism and forced early delivery as she nearly lost her life too. ( I never put an AVM in as possible cause of her stroke. THANK -YOU!)
Hmmm? My sister; my cousin on maternal side; now my son’s symptoms @ 32.
Perhaps he has it. He also had a heart surgery when he was 1 y.o. It was a PDA, duct/valve that did not close at birth. Not sure if related.
He’s on his way home from E.R. ( in FL. ) right now. They did all tests ( MRI, EKG, CT Scan, Bloodwork, All clear. Yeah, I thought.)
HOWEVER, my sister was also cleared @ an ER in a different state, IL. [ Northwestern saved her life and Chicago Rehab gave it back to her. ♡.]
So, my question: can anyone please tell me where my son can get checked fir HHT?
I will also send this article to my aunt and my cousin, her daughter.
T.H.A.N.K. -Y.♡.U.
Very enlightening, I wish to keep following Thank you
How can I test my kid fir h h t?
Wow! Glad I found this article! I was concerned about a bad nose bleed I had today. Googled and found this article. My husband has had 2 strokes and is otherwise healthy! I’m tell him we about this. I’ve had nosebleeds all my life haven’t thought too much about them till now!
Thank you for spreading the news! I’m going to have my husband check out your BASE class!
Cincinnati, OH
I’m so glad to have come across your compelling article Keith.
I am a 40 year old woman of 5 children and have had an unexplained stroke. The doctors don’t even know when it occurred. I suffer with headaches and I’m having terribly low blood pressure. I can feel it’s effecting me with low energy levels and those weird little red spots.
My doctor has ordered an MRI but only on my brain, I will show your article to him.
Also I want to say how brave you are to have overcome not only a stroke but also the challenges it brought, with the depression afterwards. Your courageous work shows you are more then capable of influencing many people’s lives. Not just your own family but now worldwide! Congratulations Keith and thank you for sharing your story.
I’m so glad I just got to read this. When I was younger I had with the doctors called the glass nose I got nosebleeds all the time. They’ve just started happening again. I’m going to go to my doctor this next week and have him test for this because my nose bleeds have come back. My blood pressure is also gone through the roof since my nose bleeds have come back. I’m now hypertensive with a 150 over a hundred something in blood pressure.
Sorry lance I may have replied to you instead of commenting on the article. My apologies
In the past 2 months I have had one severe nosebleed. I also have lots of small red spots all over my body but especially on legs and trunk. Doctors including dermatologists sort of pooh-pooh these spots. It sounds like I should maybe investigate the possibility of my having HHT.