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What the HHT?

A blog for the HHT community

Living with HHT Book

Have you read my new book, Living with HHT: Understanding and Managing Your Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia? It’s designed to tell you everything you need to know about HHT to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible and to cope with the stresses of having HHT. I’m happy to report that the book, released…

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Legislative Activity Impacting HHT

Recently, I have taken a more active role in the HHT community as a member of the legislative committee. It is so important for lawmakers to pass legislation that promotes and supports research and development, especially for rare diseases like HHT. I have been pleasantly surprised at how passionate I am about advocating for legislation…

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I am So Lucky!!!

A silver lining is a funny thing. You wish you could see it while you are mucking your way through a crisis, but you can’t, and it often doesn’t show up for a long time, if at all. My silver lining appeared in the most unexpected of ways. This HHT story seems like it should start with…

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Hosting our First Blood Drive for HHT Awareness!

Since marrying into an HHT family, I have felt a need to do more to advocate for my family members, raise awareness, and help in any way I can. I know how precious both money and blood can be to this community, but we are not always in a financial position to give to the…

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HHT Global Awareness Day

Today is June 23, 2017 and it’s HHT Global Awareness Day! As a person who has HHT disease and the author of a new book called Living with HHT, I’m excited to be part of this special day devoted to HHT awareness—and I hope my book will contribute to HHT awareness every day.  If you’re…

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