One in a Million

One year ago today (4/18), I underwent a liver transplant due to a genetic condition called HHT (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia), or Osler-Weber Rendu Syndrome. Roughly 1 in 5,000 people are diagnosed with HHT. Of that 1 in 5,000, up to 75%, have liver involvement. Of that 75%, only 8% become symptomatic. The data gets spotty after this, and from my research, I can only find 59 documented cases since 1985 of liver transplantation related to HHT.
My symptoms included chronic anemia, shortness of breath due to high output cardiac failure, fatigue, body aches, brain fog, and the hallmark symptom of HHT, horrific nosebleeds. Man, did I try to muscle through all that – doing much more than I should have for fear of falling behind. No one, except those closest to me, knew how sick I was. I don’t think I even knew. I likely wouldn’t have lived more than two years without this transplant. I would not have been able to see my children into the next phases of their lives or shepherd them into adulthood. My options for survival were pretty straightforward. Either I get a new liver, or I would die. Sit with that for a moment. Either I get a new liver, or I will die. I couldn’t will myself to be better. There were no other options.
By the grace of God, my incredible doctors at the UCSF HHT Center for Excellence, Dr. Miles Conrad and Dr. Jennifer Lai fast-tracked me into the world of organ transplantation. I received my diagnosis and plan in December of 2021, was officially listed on April 1st, 2022, got my call on April 17th (Easter), and received my gift on April 18th.
There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude to my donor family. To say I am humbled is a colossal understatement. I hope to meet them and thank them for their grace, courage, and selflessness during their tremendous loss. I will continue to write letters and hope they reach back out someday. I can’t imagine the pain they must have felt. I hope to honor them by living my life to the fullest, being a good person, and sharing the importance of organ donation.
To my own friends and family, there will never be enough words to express how much I love you and how thankful I am that I get to stay with you. To my mom, who also suffered from this disease, thank you for the gift of a roadmap, so that I knew what to look for. I wish you could be here to see this. I will always love you infinity buckets!
To anyone who’s gone through an organ transplant – I see you. I am proud of you. You are a fucking warrior. Live well. And to all of you, please consider organ donation. It truly is the greatest gift that you can give to someone.
Kristina, congratulations on your successful transplant. I guess I’m one of the 59. I actually had 2 liver transplants. The first one failed because of a blood clot. The doctors learned from me. They did a jump graft procedure which entailed taken the main artery from the donor liver. They learned a lot from me, and for future HHT liver transplant patients they will look at that very closely. So, I was the “Guinea pig”, but I am blessed to be alive and hopefully my procedure will help future HHT patients.
Again, congratulations and stay healthy!
Tony Siani
Thank you for sharing your story, Kristina! Being a transplant recipient does not come without challenges of a different kind, but you are right – an absolute warrior, nonetheless! <3 <3
Hi! Im Yvette I just got diagnosed with HHT and I have AVM in the liver. In 2017 I had an Aortic dissection Then I had after the surgery. Last year again I had a stroke. I haven’t seen the doctor fir HHT. I know they only have the HHT center n in UCLA Do you think I will need a liver transplant
awesome!!! what a story! thank you for sharing. It is so helpful to so many people
Thank you for sharing your story,Kristina. Praising God with you (& Anthony’s) for your successful transplants.
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. Your right anyone who goes through a transplant is a warrior so is anyone who opts for organ donation including people who give bone marrow.
Amazing Kristina-keep well. I have HHT and had a massive bleed from my liver 13 years ago. They put in a TIPS and I have been not too bad since. I have all the symptoms you described and I am looked after by the liver unit where I live. I get one check up a year where they take blood and sometimes give me an ultrasound scan – that’s it! There is no specialist unit here in Scotland and no one knows what to do with me! My father and grandfather passed away very suddenly at the age I am just about at- of course back then it wasn’t known about. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I really have to fight my corner here and I am so delighted to find this site and others who understand. Keep safe and well everyone.
It was so heartening to read this, Kristina. I too have ALL the problems you endured pre transplant and am currently on the liver transplant waiting list here in the UK. Sadly not enough donors and matching criteria means I have already waited 23 months and I can’t begin to tell you how difficult this is. However I hope one day to be writing a success story like yours! What I would really like to know is have your nosebleeds lessened since your transplant or do you still suffer this particular nightmare that we all in the HHT community understand so well with the resulting debilitating anaemia. I am very anxious about the bleeding post my transplant. I am not sure if you will even see this but I do hope so and it would be so wonderful if you could email or comment back. Thank you.