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What the HHT?

A blog for the HHT community

One Kiwis Dream for HHT Awareness

Tamara B & Shan

My first time learning about HHT was in 2016 when I was diagnosed with the disease at the young age of 43. I had suffered a fall from my horse that landed me at the Wellington Orthopedics Ward in New Zealand. During my admission, I was seen by a specialist, who had attended a seminar on a rare disease called HHT–just two days prior. He noticed I had ‘red spots’ on…

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How a Stroke Changed My Life

Just a few years ago, I was a 48-year-old sales manager and an owner of a large, successful manufacturing company. I was always in great shape, and when my partners and I decided to obtain disability insurance, I was rated the #1 best for my health at the time. But 3 weeks later, a “time…

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I was finally part of the 1%

This is a story that begins back in mid-summer of 2005, June 9th. Thirteen years ago, my brother, Robert, died from HHT (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia). HHT is a very rare and chronic blood vessel disease with little awareness and funding. Currently there is no cure for HHT. An estimated 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from…

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Lifelong Battle

This is my wife, Renee’s story. Renee started her battle with HHT, unknowingly, as a young child.  After researching her history, with family members, it was determined that she started with nose bleeds at a very young age.  She went through the normal cauterizations, and attempted treatments by local ENT’s.  The treatments slowed the nose…

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