One Kiwis Dream for HHT Awareness

My first time learning about HHT was in 2016 when I was diagnosed with the disease at the young age of 43. I had suffered a fall from my horse that landed me at the Wellington Orthopedics Ward in New Zealand. During my admission, I was seen by a specialist, who had attended a seminar on a rare disease called HHT–just two days prior. He noticed I had ‘red spots’ on my skin, lips and inside my mouth and asked me if I had nosebleeds, shortness of breath on exercising, migraines, fatigue and/or anemia. Everything that he mentioned, I did in fact experience while growing up and continued to display into adulthood. I underwent an MRI and chest CT scan which confirmed his theory that I had HHT. I had evidence of arteriovenous malformations in my brain and lungs.
After recovering from my fall, I had a blood test done for genetic screening; however, no known mutation of HHT could be found in my blood, rather it was the MRI and CT scans that were able to give me a confirmed diagnosis of HHT.
Since 2017, I have had a brain aneurysm stented and coiled, a lung shunt coiled, a cyst removed from my colon due to GI bleeding, bowel cancer removed, more than 5 blood transfusions and several iron infusions—all as a result of HHT.
Unfortunately, in New Zealand, there are no HHT Centers of Excellence or HHT specialists. The emergency room crews are also not fully aware of nor completely understand the complex nature of HHT, making the management of my symptoms very hard and stressful. My HHT journey has been a difficult one due to the lack of proper treatment and awareness by the medical community.
I’m very passionate about bringing Awareness about HHT to both New Zealand and around the world. This June, for HHT Awareness Month, I joined the Cure HHT Strides for Strength–Virtual Walk to help spread Awareness here in New Zealand. I want to help educate medical practitioners and the public about the serious nature of HHT so that others can be properly diagnosed and managed appropriately before it’s too late.
I have HHT. More than half of my family does.
I’d love to have a chat with you. I live close to Westport, Buller.
Hi Stephanie,
Please join our HHT NZ support group on Facebook.
I have HHT too. I’m based in Christchurch. Would welcome you being in contact.
Hi Kevin,
Please join our HHT NZ support group on Facebook.
Hi Tam and Stephanie
I also have HHT as does my brother and sister. For me it has meant GI bleeding with 2 operations to remove the bleeding vessels in my stomach and severe nose bleeds. I would like to share information on medical staff who are familiar with HHT. Paul Simcock at Auckland Hospital did 2 Yag laser treatments to my nose but he has long retired.
I’m in the Coromandel.
You can find me on Facebook
Lee Bisset
Hi, ladies, my family also has HHT and would love to connect. I am in Christchurch.
Hi there. How did you go about getting diagnosed? And was this funded? Any recommendations of providers?
Hi Kath,
Please join our HHT NZ support group on Facebook.
Hi there
My HHT (genetically informed) can be traced back from my paternal Great grandfather (who died of complications of HHT), my paternal grandmother and then my father. I am the only one of my siblings to have inherited HHT but 4 of my children have it also. I would be keen to connect with other kiwis as medical knowledge is still so limited. I live in the Bay of Plenty.
My husband has HHT and suffers badly from nosebleeds. He was also under Paul Simcock but now seems to be being bounced around the health system. It is a very frustrating experience for me in a support role . I hate to think what it is like for him! I would love to connect with fellow kiwis.
Hi Angela,
Please connect with us by joining the HHT NZ support group on Facebook.
Hi all, thanks for the comments and sharing some of your family stories. If you or your family are from New Zealand and want to connect with others then PLease feel free to join our facebook group HHT New Zealand.
Hi there -I’m 47 and in Nelson – this is all pretty new to me as only discovered may have this condition last month when my mum passed away and we found medical docs saying she and my brother and I have this condition and explains so much of my current symptoms.Waiting to hear from my Dr re genetic testing but would appreciate any guidance/advice about GI bleeding and AVM and the heriditary side as my 9 yr old daughter gets nosebleeds