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Hazardous Natural Health Products in HHT

HHT patients can bleed easily, which is why products that may thin your blood or reduce your ability to clot can be very dangerous. This handout was developed by Daniel Cortes, Pharmacist at the St. Michael’s Hospital HHT Center in Toronto, Canada, to provide a list of common natural health products that have been found…

FDA Food and Drug Interactions

What you eat and drink can affect the way your medicines work. Use this guide to alert you to possible “food-drug interactions” and to help you learn what you can do to prevent them. This guide covers interactions between some common prescription and over-the-counter medicines and food, caffeine, and alcohol. This guide should never take…

Iron Preparation Charts

This table of iron products, dosages and general comments was developed by Dr. Raj Kasthuri, Hematologist and Director of the UNC Chapel Hill HHT Center to be a resource for HHT patients and physicians. As with any medical condition, an HHT patient should consult their physician for the best course of treatment, and whenever possible,…

Pumping Iron in HHT

This handout by Ronalee Robert, Registered Dietician at the St. Michael’s Hospital HHT Center in Toronto, Canada was developed for the Patient & Family Conference held in Orlando, Florida. It covers all of the pertinent topics relating to iron including how much iron is needed daily, how iron is absorbed by the body, the best…

Low Iron Levels and Blood Clots in HHT

You probably know that people with HHT are often short of iron because of bleeding, particularly from the nose. Being short of iron is what makes you anemic. But how does this fit in with blood clots? The big message for people with HHT is that they are at risk of blood clots, despite having…

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