New HHT-HTC Treatment Centers

Cure HHT is excited to announce that the HHT-HTC Treatment Centers, part of Michigan Medicine Hemophilia and Coagulation Disorders Program, as well as the Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center, Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTCs) are now operational and accepting new HHT patients!
Thanks to a new program proposed by Cure HHT and funded by the CDC, Cure HHT was able to collaborate with the American Thrombosis & Hemostasis Network (ATHN) to train HTC Staff, identify subspecialists necessary to provide HHT care, and establish a patient referral / treatment program for HHT patients at several HTCs throughout the United States. The main goal of these partnerships is to explore alternative ways to provide multidisciplinary HHT care at established HTCs, which could have a tremendous impact on patient access to expert care. This is particularly true in states that do not currently have an HHT Center of Excellence.
These new HHT-HTCs will provide comprehensive care for patients and families with HHT, including: Management of epistaxis; referral to ENT provider affiliated with the HHT team; screening for and management of iron deficiency anemia when necessary, which may include parenteral iron replacement screening for visceral AVMs; genetic counseling and evaluation of at-risk family members; when possible in patients without an existing diagnosis of HHT, a detailed evaluation will be provided, including genetic counseling, in order to determine whether the patient is affected and to identify the familial HHT mutation.