Angiogenesis Publication!

We are excited to announce the publication of the HHT Scientific Conference Executive Summary and Abstracts in Angiogenesis. This publication is a critical resource for HHT patients, physicians and scientists.
Click on the links below to review the online publications for the HHT International Scientific Conference.
The 12th HHT International Scientific Conference was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia this past June. For the first time at an HHT Conference, 200 voices were heard from six continents (23 countries), motivating interest for those new to the field, and encouraging young researchers and clinicians to continue to build a career surrounding HHT. The array of information presented at this meeting – from 8 invited speakers, 58 oral presentations, and 117 poster presentations – all functioned to develop a greater global understanding of HHT. As always, this event continued to foster the opportunity for scientific collaboration, welcome young scholars to the community, and rekindle old friendships.
The publication of the HHT Scientific Conference Executive Summary and Abstracts in Angiogenesis, an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of top quality original articles on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), allows Cure HHT to share the knowledge gained from this meeting with patients, researchers and clinicians around the world, reaching all corners of the HHT community.
HHT Scientific Conference Summaries – LIVE WEBINAR
On January 10, 2018, Dr. Christopher Hughes, Dr. Marie Faughnan, and Dr. Jillian Adrejecsk will be presenting a LIVE WEBINAR highlighting the HHT science presented in Dubrovnik, Croatia from researchers around the world. Join them for a first hand synopsis of the most current research, new treatment protocols, potential drug therapies, gene editing possibilities and more. REGISTER NOW for this free education event.