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IVF and Preimplantation Genetic Testing for HHT (recorded)

Katie Wusik Healy, LGC, MS, Genetic Counselor at the Cincinnati HHT Center of Excellence, talks about pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), including what you might consider before pursuing PGT. In addition, options for determining if a child has HHT through genetic testing before and during pregnancy, as well as after birth were discussed. Following the presentation,…

Anemia and Iron Deficiency in HHT (recorded)

Anemia is commonly experienced by those affected with HHT and it frequently results from bleeding of the nose and/or gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Adrienne Hammill, Director at the Cincinnati HHT Center of Excellence, discusses the most effective ways to manage anemia in HHT patients.

Screening & Treatment of Brain AVMs in HHT (recorded)

Have you been screened for a brain AVM? If you have a brain AVM, do you know the guidelines for screening and treatment? Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs) represent one of the most important manifestations of HHT. Dr. Issam Awad, Director of the University of Chicago HHT Center of Excellence, discusses the symptoms and therapeutic approaches to…

Eating for Health: Dietary Choices that Impact Bleeding

Ever wonder if certain foods trigger nosebleeds? Lisa Mannik, Registered Dietitian in the division of respirology at St. Michael’s Hospital HHT Centre in Toronto, Canada, identifies common foods that can increase the bleeding risk in HHT patients. She also discusses food sources of iron and identifies dietary factors that enhance or inhibit iron absorption, as well…

My HHT Tracker (recorded)

Peter Lauwers, lead member of the Arbormoon Software, Inc. development team, walks through all of the features of this FREE new iOS App for HHT patients. My HHT Tracker allows you to track your HHT symptoms, appointments, and doctors as well as upload images, record your nosebleed frequency and severity, send critical information to your…

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