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El Papel de la Genética en HHT (para pacientes)

Para las personas que sospechan que podrían tener HHT, este folleto proporciona una descripción general de los signos, síntomas y genética de la HHT y describe la importancia de hacerse pruebas genéticas para confirmar o descartar un diagnóstico de HHT. Si sospecha que podría tener HHT, revise este folleto y considere la posibilidad de buscar…

The Role of Genetics in HHT (for patients)

For people who suspect that they might have HHT, this brochure provides an overview of the signs, symptoms, and genetics of HHT and outlines the importance of getting genetic testing to either confirm or rule out an HHT diagnosis. If you suspect that you might have HHT, please review this brochure and consider seeking out…

The Role of Genetics in HHT (for providers)

This brochure gives healthcare providers an overview of the signs, symptoms, and genetics of HHT and outlines the important role that genetic testing plays in the HHT patient journey. Through sharing this brochure with healthcare providers unfamiliar with HHT, we hope that more providers will recognize the signs and symptoms of HHT and refer suspected…

A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your HHT

We’ve taken the International HHT Guidelines and distilled them into easily readable factsheets and checklists that can be filled out and given to your physicians. The result is a beautifully bound and curated 48-page publication, A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your HHT. Order a free complimentary booklet through our Join Us form, or click the…

PH and HHT Patient Brochure

Did you know that if you have HHT you are at risk for Pulmonary Hypertension? The Pulmonary Hypertension Association developed a brochure for PH and HHT patients that provides answers for the most commonly asked questions. There are several HHT Centers of Excellence that have PH specialists as well and if you are impacted by…

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