Support HHT Centers of Excellence through HRSA!
We made it through the House, but now we need final Senate support! Thanks to your recent advocacy, in July 2021 the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that included $2 million in funding that would go directly to a new “National HHT Diagnosis and Treatment Initiative,” providing funds to our existing CoEs to expand staffing and improve infrastructure as well as provide funds to establish new HHT Centers of Excellence in the U.S.
Senators in Missouri, Oregon and Washington are in powerful positions to make this happen. If you live in one of these states, your local Senator needs to hear from you! Please ACT IMMEDIATELY (no later than 2/23/2021). We’ll tell you how –
- Tell your important story and encourage your senator to fund a new National HHT Diagnosis and Treatment Initiative through HRSA. Cure HHT will be collecting all email correspondence to deliver to your senators.
- Please send your email to [email protected] – be sure to include the name of your state senator, as well as your name, home address, personal story, and the CoE where you have received treatment (if applicable).
- Find sample language and the name of your local senator below: