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Mi Checklist Sobre HHT Cuidados: Malformaciones Vasculares Cerebrales (MVC)

Las listas de verificación “Mi HHT” son una serie de listas de verificación por área temática para que las personas con HHT se autogestionen y las lleven a su médico. Estas listas de verificación se basan en el cuidado recomendado en las guías de HHT.

Angel Flight NE

Angel Flight NE is a non-profit organization providing FREE medical air transportation for individuals with limited financial resources, including those suffering from rare diseases, to obtain life-saving medical treatment. Angel Flight NE’s primary service area covers 9 states including Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. However, they…

Nosebleed Management – Nurse Cards

This card contains helpful tips for nosebleed management in a format that is ideal for providers who may not be familiar with the care required for HHT-related nosebleeds. Additionally, the card is available for purchase in our store on durable cardstock.

A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your HHT

We’ve taken the International HHT Guidelines and distilled them into easily readable factsheets and checklists that can be filled out and given to your physicians. The result is a beautifully bound and curated 48-page publication, A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your HHT. Order a free complimentary booklet through our Join Us form, or click the…

No-Cost Genetic Testing for HHT and Other Rare Diseases: Rare Genomes Project

The Rare Genomes Project is a patient-driven research project through the Broad Institute that performs full genome sequencing on families with suspected singe gene disorders who do not have a genetic diagnosis. The goal of their project is two-fold: (1) provide access to testing for families that are genetically undiagnosed and (2) discover previously un-identified…

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